Well, like it or not, trucks & road trains, 18 wheelers, B Doubles etc – whatever you want to call them, are an essential part of our lives in the modern world. Most people in this day and age simply wouldn’t survive without trucks & the transport industry, no matter what part of the world you live in.
Think about it – what supplies do you need to buy each day, week or month to maintain your life? How do the groceries that you buy get to your local supermarket?
What else? How about the clothes on your back? They don’t just magically appear at the shop do they…. Delivered by trucks & trailers right?
How about cars & other vehicles, they may get shipped over the water if they’re imported into your country, & then they are usually transported by car transporters to the local car dealers in your state or territory.
I’ll bet that just about any single item you can think of that you would purchase at a retail location would be transported via a truck or road train before arriving at its final destination.
That’s why we are here to talk about all thing trucking & about how transport operators can reduce truck running costs. An essential part of your life & mine, & something we are passionate about!